Hi. I’m Carl

That’s me to the left and below with my family.  I’m really happy to have you join me here on my blog. Don’t forget to add your email address to get notifications of all new posts.

This blog is all about helping Small & Medium sized business owners manage their cash and cash flow forecasting in their business, so if you are a SME business owner you are in the right place.

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant from the UK and I have spent the last 30 years helping business understand and manage business accounting. In all my years of experience the one area that is normally overlloked but vitally important is that of Cash Management and Cash Flow Forecasting.

Most businesses focus on Profit and Sales but believe me if you don’t mange your cash and understand your cash Infows and Outflows you are going to have problems. and that why I really want to help you and your business.

upcoming posts

I will be adding posts on Cash Management, Cash Flow forecasting and other areas of business accounting and finance on a regular basis so why not join the mailing list to keep up with all the new content coming out

Each post will focus on specific topics that I have found that business owners struggle with and that have caused them the most issues. These may include the main issues why business owners struggle with cash flow forecasting, or the top 5 timps to control your accounts receivable, even what are the best software on the market for managing business accounting and cash flow forecasting.

I’m sure that there is going to be lots to help you improve your business’s cash management, forecasting and accounting.

I also have more resources in the form of an E-book and fully comprehensive on demand course which covers all aspects to Cash Management & Cash Flow forecasting.

There are over 50 hours of content to help you and if you purchase the course you will get access to weekly coaching session via my members only group.

Why not check out the shop page of the blog to find out more.